Lunghezza: 4.212 metri
Curve: 21
Autodrom Most
Tvrzova 5, 434 01 Most, Czech Republic
E-mail: [email protected]
Autoklub České Republiky (ACCR)
Opletalova 1337/29, 110 00 Praha 1 – Nové Město, Czech Republic
E-mail: secretariat [email protected]
Come arrivare
How to arrive from the Airport to the Circuit
- Opt.1: via highway D8 and then road n.15 towards Most
- Opt.2: via highway D7, then road n.7 and road n.28 and road n.15 towards MostHow to arrive from the Airport to the Circuit
- Opt.1: via highway D8 and then road n.15 towards Most
- Opt.2: via highway D7, then road n.7 and road n.28 and road n.15 towards Most
Prague Airport +420 220 111 888
GPS Circuit
50.519139932189276N, 13.604719984655768W
Vicepresidente dei Kawalieri di Akashi
Designer & DevOps